Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Great One Gone

R.I.P. Don LaFontaine (August 26, 1940 – September 1, 2008).

You might not know the name, but you know The Voice...

"When you get to heaven, it's not God's voice you hear. It's God trying to sound like Don." -Ashton Smith/voice-over

My uncle ("Guitar Center's weekly Tuesday sale!!!") as well as my late father (" CBS.") are and were, respectively, voice-over talents. I grew up "in a world" where 'the voice' was king, and being surrounded by so much talent and so many stories, I realized early on that no matter how great your product was, without the voice to sell it, you've got nothin'. So I was really sad to hear that Don had died of complications due to a collapsed lung this past week.

(Cool tidbit: At, my dad is #4 under Voice-Over Icons, right behind #3, Mr. LaFontaine. If there is indeed a heaven, my dad and Don are no doubt drinking 40 year-old scotch and trying to teach God how to get his voice that deep.)

Also, I'm starting a side project called "DANGER!CRAYON!". Here's the cover of the CD:

A'ight...the Metalocalypse season finale is almost on.

Have a nice Monday.


Anonymous said...

That's really neat that your dad is listed as one of the greats! It must be nice to know that his voice can be heard for a long, long time.

And I was just wondering when the season for Metalocalypse wraps up. I don't have cable (as if I could get my roommates off the XBox periodically anyway) so I've been awaiting the next DVD installment.

Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Crayons are dangerous! My friend got a green one stuck up her nose when were kids! She eventually sneezed it out! Ha ha!

It is amazing how some voice-over guys can grab your full attention sometimes, like rolling thunder.