Thursday, September 10, 2009


...shouldn't have gotten extra cilantro


mud-girl said...

Great to see you posting regularly again! Sorry to hear about AHC, but I am very excited about the new singer. I know it's it feels to get back into a creative flow.

When you're in the Bay Area I will take you to the shittiest hole-in-the-wall Mexican place in SF with the best burritos in the world!

'Damn...' won't even begin to cover it.

deadened-glow said...

That burrito is the biggest burrito I've ever seen! Holy hell!

Stranger650 said...

yo mud-girl, which restaurant is that? El Taqueria? the one that one Faith no More guy always goes to?
hey Chad where'd you get that burrito at??? my girlfriend is one of your biggest fans of your work and she could possibly be the biggest fan of mexican food, mainly burritos! so two birds with one stone right here!

Chelsea said...

Hey Chad, Chelsea from AZ. Question for you...if I send you a song or two from my band will you evaluate them/extend some criticism, etc?
I need the pro insight.


Shayla R Cakes said...

jeebus h christoph. that's a burrito.

wedge said...

whats the latest then? chomping at the bit here... when we gonna hear AHC again? or will it be formerly AHC, now (--blank--)? you've gotta keep the name... sorry, waffling on here. hope its all going well for everyone in the band. you guys deserve it.

TommyShrader/ said...

Holy Burrito Batman! I am wishing you the best with your new project Chad! Let me know when you come around the Houston/Galveston area, my girl and I bought a house out here on the ocean and you are more than welcome anytime! I am really looking forward to hearing your new music too!


Tommy Shrader
(your old bass tech, long time ago in a different life)

MJ said...

Thought you'd enjoy. Hope all is well! Sad to hear about AHC, but I'd love to check out new band when formed and on tour. -MJ (not expecting this to be posted -- just wanted to share this link because of our mutual admiration of Hunter S)

Anonymous said...

With Castro now safely dead, the raiding of his personal stash continued at pace...