Saturday, October 4, 2008

Now I'm One Of Them

After the last few posts, all detailed with stunning photos and colorful verbage, I was sitting here thinking that I felt like writing but didn't really have anything of great importance to spout about. Then I remembered that this is a blog. I don't always have the most exciting shit to hype up, but after stumbling upon shit like this, I don't feel so bad.

My girl suprised me with an iPhone when she got home from work today. I've been coveting my keyboardist's for the last month; so much so that I created an "iPhonion" out of a large yellow onion and a Sharpie, both found in my guitarist's kitchen when we were in LA a couple of weeks ago. When I needed to clear the screen, I just peeled off a layer.

It kicked ass.

But not like this sexy little black fucker. It's 4am, and I've been online since about 10pm learning the ins, outs, and hacks for what is now my new favorite toy. I also loaded it up with a bunch of albums (The new TV On The Radio "Dear Science,", Nirvana's "Incesticide", The Scorpions "Blackout", My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless", and Mitch Hedberg's recent posthumous release "Do You Believe In Gosh?") and converted a bunch of episodes of Drawn Together to shove in there. I will never be bored in a waiting room or on an airplane again, this much is certain. But the other great thing about this phone, besides all the bells and whistles (of which there are many), is that it actually has quite a number of things I'll actually use, as opposed to some bullshit phone loaded with half-assed web browsers, cameras that suck, and slow as fuck connections. This phone is the closest you can get to having an actual computer with you at all times. And I fucking love my computer, man. Now I can find out if Robert Englund is alive or dead at the drop of a hat. While driving. With a loaded firearm.

Isn't this country just grand?

I'll swerve hard left for an ending, and hip you to my new favorite blog. The guy that writes it, WoundedPoodle, sounds completely raving batshit and his arguments leave something to be desired, but I dig his sentiment. In more ways than one, I am indeed now "one of them".

Ciao' bitches!


Nexy said...

In fairness though, those are some pretty fucking cool tablesettings...

Anonymous said...

blog this, i had a dream we had lunch together and traded hats and that was that.................shane playle

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a fixer-upper iphone any day now. Hopefully I can fix it. Shouldn't be too hard.

Anywho, I suppose that means your phone number changed...which means you should send me your new one!

Anonymous said...

Drawn Together is one of the funniest fucking shows ever. Ever check out Wonder Showzen? Also a big fan of Incesticide too.

Anonymous said...

haha! i saw you clear the screen of your onion phone in an interview on myspacetv...The changing objects in the corner of the screen while you talking was hilarious! lol